الثلاثاء، 31 ديسمبر 2013

روائح البصل والأطعمة الدسمة والمنظفات تصيب الإنسان با.................

ثل رائحة البصل أو الأطعمة الدسمة والمنظفات تجعل الإنسان عرضة للإصابة بنوبات الصداع الشديدة .
وأظهرت الأبحاث الطبية أن 50% من الذين يعانون الصداع النصفى حساسون إلى الروائح ، ونحو 70% منهم من النساء اللاتى أكدن أن بعض الروائح المحددة تثير نوبات الصداع لديهن.
وشددت الدراسة على أن العديد من الروائح تعمل على إثارة نوبات الصداع النصفى فى الوقت الذى تعمل فيه رائحة النعناع على تهدئة هذه النوبات .
يأتى ذلك فى الوقت الذى أكدت فيه الأبحاث أن رائحة البصل تعد أحد العوامل الأساسية المساهمة في زيادة فرص الإصابة بنوبات الصداع النصفي ، حيث تعمل التغيرات الطبيعية للروائح فى المخ على إثارة نوبات الصداع النصفي .
وأكدت الدراسة ان الروائح تؤثر على أكثر من 15% من البالغين فى المملكة المتحدة ليقعوا فريسة للصداع النصفى فضلا عن الصداع الشديد حيث تشمل أعراضه الغثيان والحساسية للضوء ، بالإضافة إلى تغييرات فى المواد الكيميائية الطبيعية في المخ .

روائح البصل والأطعمة الدسمة والمنظفات تصيب الإنسان بالصداع

القبض على حمدي بدين في فرنسا

القبض على حمدي بدين في فرنسا

قامت الشرطة الفرنسية منذ قليل بالقبض علي قائد الشرطة العسكرية السابق وأحد المتورطين في مجزرة محمد محمود، اللواء حمدي بدين في باريس بعد اعتداءه على شاب مصري اتهمه بالإجرام وقتل الشباب المصري في مجزرة محمد محمود.
وقد تم إلقاء القبض عليه في أحد المطاعم بعد مشادة حدثت بينه وبين مجموعة من شباب الجالية  المصرية اتهموه فيها بالإرهاب والإجرام، وعلى أثرها ذلك قام بدين بإلقاء زجاجتين في وجه أحدهم فانهال الشباب عليه بالسباب .
إلا أن العاملين بالمطعم اتصلوا بالشرطه الفرنسية التي جاءت على الفور وألقت القبض على اللواء حمدي بدين و قد تم الإفراج عن بدين بعد ساعات من مركز الشرطة الفرنسية، بتدخل من السفارة المصرية وأنه سيسافر مساء اليوم إلى بريطانيا بعد نصيحة الخارجية المصرية له بذلك.
يذكر ان بدين مطارد من قبل المحكمة الجنائية ومبعد من الصين؛ بعد أن نشرت الجزيرة تقرير لجنة تقصي الحقائق التي كلفها مرسي بالتقصي، والتي أثبتت أن بدين هو من أعطى الأوامر بقتل أكثر من 40 مصري                                                                                          المصدر رصد                          

دينا ..صافيناز...من الاجمل؟

احدث صور للراقصه شمس !

شاهد صور حصرية لاخت صفيناز أحلي من صفيناز نفسها

بالصور.. أظرف قفشات و"ألش" الشباب بمناسبة رأس السنة

جانب من النشاطجانب من النشاط
تداول عدد من نشطاء موقع التواصل الاجتماعى "فيس بوك" العديد من الصور الظريفة والتى كالعادة اشتملت على "الألش" بمناسبة رأس السنة الجديدة.

بالفيديو.. أكثر النساء إثارة فى عالم كرة القدم لعام 2013

يحفل عالم الساحرة المستديرة “كرة القدم”، بظهور لافت للنساء الجميلات، اللاتى يحضرن بكل المناسبات، ليضفين جوًا من البهجة والفرح على الأحداث.
وتستعرض “فيديو7 قناة اليوم السابع المصورة”، أكثر النساء إثارة فى عالم كرة القدم لعام 2013، من خلال زوجات اللاعبين الأكثر شهرة فى العالم، مثل سارة كاربونارى صديقة كاسياس، وإيرينا صديقة كريستيانو رونالدو، لاعب ريال مدريد، وزوجة كاكا لاعب ميلان، والمطربة شاكيرا زوجة بيكيه لاعب برشلونة، وفكتوريا أدامز زوجة بيكهام المعتزل حديثًا، وبيلار صديقة سيرجيو راموس، ولينا صديقة سامى خضيرة.
أكثر النساء إثارة فى عالم كرة القدم

أفضل صور تم التقاطها ما بين الشرطة و الشعب صور هتخليك تدمع

Despite our differences, we're all human beings. These powerful images have restored all my faith in the world.

Man playing piano for police [Kiev, Ukraine, 2013]

1Source: reddit.com
Earlier this December, Ukrainians participated in their largest popular protest since 2004. The 2013 protests were shrouded with violence from both sides, including 200 protesters who commandeered a digger and attacked the presidential palace. The protests and riots followed the Government’s decision to side with Russia rather than the European Union.
Source: theguardian.com

A student protesting education reform leans in to kiss a riot officer [Bogotá, Colombia, 2011]

2.Source: msnbcmedia.msn.com
Whilst the 2011 protests against student reform were mostly peaceful, violence broke out when small groups of people threw rocks at police. After this initial violence, police used tear gas and water against the 30,000 protesters.
Source: bbc.co.uk/news

Protesters dressed as clowns entertain guards at a G20 meeting [Toronto, Canada, 2010]

G20_CLOWNS(1)Source: Mark Keeler

An anti-government protester offers a rose to a soldier [Bangkok, Thailand, 2013]

enhanced-buzz-wide-29604-1386361829-9Source: buzzfeed.com

Brazilian protester carrying an injured officer to safety [Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2012]

3. copySource: reddit.com

Child touches his reflection during a KKK demonstration [Georgia, USA, 1992]

4.Source: reddit.com
The young child in KKK attire became famous when this image hit the presses because of the way that it showed the innocence of children. Although the child is only known by his first name, Josh, the photographer and trooper met in 2012, 20 years after the image was taken.
Source: reddit.com

A young boy offers a heart-shaped balloon to police [Bucharest, Romania, 2012]

7.Source: reddit.com
7.       In 2012, health reforms triggered protests in Romania. They quickly became violent and resulted in the resignation of the Prime Minister, Emil Boc.
Source: wikipedia.org

An Iranian police officer is protected by civilians after being beaten by rioters [Tehran, Iran, 2009]

pict12Source: cryptome.org

Riot police and protesters share a cry together [Sofia, Bulgaria, 2013]

8.Source: reddit.com
In Bulgaria, students and other protesters converged on parliament in November due to poverty and corruption. The protests against the socialist-backed Government, named the ‘Red Mafia’ saw several injured.
Source: bbc.co.uk/news

Caring citizens offer tea to British riot police [London, England, 2011]

9.Source: thesun.co.uk
Riots over a police shooting in England were quickly used as an excuse to loot by small numbers of protesters in cities across the country. Six deaths were reported, all inflicted by looters.  The violence lacked popular support, resulting in many scenes of police and public cooperation.
Source: wikipedia.org

Egyptian woman kisses a policeman during the revolution against the Mubarak Government [Egypt, 2011]

10.Source: msnbcmedia.msn.com
In the midst of the Arab Spring, weeks of protests and violence began in an attempt to overthrow the Mubarak Government. More than 2 million protesters occupied Tahrir square and clashes with police and Mubarak supporters resulted in 846 deaths. In February, the army refused to fire on protesters with live rounds and Mubarak was forced to resign.
Source: wikipedia.org

Greek protester and policeman take a cigarette break during austerity protests [Athens, Greece, 2011]

11.Source: reddit.com
Throughout 2010 to 2012, protests in Greece sought to put an end to tax rises and austerity measures. Clashes with police saw 4 deaths throughout the period as well as hundreds of injuries.

Source: wikipedia.org

A child poses beside National Guard members during the LA Riots [Los Angeles, USA, 1992]

12.Source: reddit.com
On March 3, 1991, Rodney King, an African America, was badly beaten by white police officers. On April 29, 1992, the officers were acquitted in court and on the same day riots broke out throughout LA as a result. Around 2000 were injured and 58 died in some of the worst race riots in American history.
Source: wikipedia.org

An injured woman is helped by her boyfriend after disappointed hockey fans turn violent [Vancouver, Canada, 2011]

14.Source: twitter.yfrog.com
In 2011, hockey fans took to the streets of Vancouver after the Canucks lost to the Boston Bruins in the Stanley Cup Finals. Over 140 were injured and $5 million worth of damage done.
Source: wikipedia.org

Tunisian man holds back riot police with a baguette during the revolution [Tunisia, 2010-11]

15.Source: reddit.com
In 2010, Tunisia entered a state of revolution. By the end, the Ben Ali Government was overthrown and fair elections were held for the first time since 1987. 
Source: wikipedia.org

Riot police help a woman affected by tear gas [Ankara, Turkey, 2013]

17.Source: reddit.com
What started as an attempt to protect Gezi Park from becoming a mall snowballed and protesters are now calling for many other concessions. In all, 11 people have died and over 8000 have been injured.
Source: wikipedia.org

Woman successfully defends a group of cornered riot officers from angry protesters [Bogotá, Colombia, 2013]

18.1Source: reddit.com
What started as a peaceful protest in Bogotá to support a farmers strike quickly turned violent. Small elements of the protesters assaulted police and began looting.
Source: reddit.com

Young protester embraces police officer [Lisbon, Portugal, 2012]

20.Source: reddit.com
In 2012, Lisbon faced austerity measures and tax hikes like those seen in Spain and Greece. This resulted in a number of protests throughout the country.

Christians protecting Muslims as they pray during the revolution [Cairo, Egypt, 2011]

21.Source: reddit.com

Mourners form a 5-mile barrier between a soldier's funeral and the Westboro Baptist Church [USA, 2012]

22.Source: reddit.com

Protesters in Brazil bring cake to an officer for his birthday [Brazil, 2013]

23.Source: reddit.com

German riot officers take off their helmets and escort Occupy protesters [Frankfurt, Germany, 2011]

24.Source: reddit.com

A Turkish couple moments after being doused by water cannons [Ankara, Turkey, 2013]

27. copySource: imgur.com

Berkeley professor teaches his class on the side of a building after an evacuation following protest [University of California, USA, 2011]

27.Source: imgur.com

Syrian war orphan shows revolutionary spirit as he calls for Saudi support of the rebels [Saudi Arabia, 2012]

28.Source: reddit.com
From 2011, Syria has been engaged in protest and riots which eventually led to civil war. Leaving many orphans and refugees, this particular orphan was taken to Saudi Arabia where he became a symbol of the resistance who chants 'death to Assad' whilst protesting for support of the rebels.
Source: reddit.com

Egyptians embrace army soldiers after they refuse orders to fire on civilians [Cairo, Egypt, 2011]


After a year filled with struggle, perseverance, and progress across every continent, it is important to remember that no matter what values are at stake, we are all on the same team.